Monday 26 November 2012

photo fun face: DEFINITION: Aerobic exercise (cardio), can be ...

DEFINITION: Aerobic exercise (cardio), can be defined as dynamic muscle work with an intensity and duration that achieves significant impacts dermika on respiratory and cardiovascular function (Zacho, 2008).
Physiological effect dermika of the physiological effects of aerobic exercise, is an improved conditioning (expressed as maximal oxygen uptake or maximal oxygen uptake), as a result of circulatory improvements, including an increase in cardiac output and an improved metabolic fitness, including optimization of the muscular metabolism, changes in muscle fiber composition and an increased kapilarisering (Zacho, 2008).
One should do his own thinking about what kind of aerobic exercise that is most appropriate for your individual needs and fitness. Older and / or overweight people often have good benefits and efficacy dermika of workout. Swimming, for example. be a more appropriate form of exercise one race, if you have knee pain. Aerobics may in some cases be more appropriate than regular races as race has a uniform load of the body joint structures, whereas Aerobics generally more versatile movement patterns and more evenly dermika distributes the load of the body joint structures. dermika
INTENSITY required a certain intensity in training sessions to improve fitness; respectively an intensity that is either dermika continuous over 50% of VO2max corresponding to 12-14 on the Borg scale, or an intensity dermika that changes dermika in the intervals between low (30% of VO2max) and high (80% of VO2max) intensities (Sunhedsstyrelsen, 2011). dermika
FREQUENCY AND DURATION Aerobic exercise should, according to health control statement, as a minimum, take place 2-3 times a week, and general physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, cycling etc.. should be maintained in the remaining days of the week (Health Protection Agency, dermika 2011). If exercise intensity is lower than 50% of VO2max, it may be necessary to have a training frequency of 5 or more times a week to see significant improvements (Zacho, 2008).
According to the theory dermika of periodization and super compensation, do not go more than 7 days before the next training session begins to see continued improvements, and is at its best should be 36-72 hours between each workout, depending on the individual's training mode (Bompa & Haff, 2009).
By training with high intensities, the duration of training may not exceed 45 minutes, since the concentration dermika of the body's stress hormones, including cortisol exceeds an inappropriate level, which can interfere with subsequent refund (Zacho, 2008).
MEASURING INSTRUMENTS Despite the fact that a meta-analysis points to Borgskalaens validity is not as high as other methods (Chen et al, 2002), it is advantageous to choose to use this method as an indication of intensity, as it is still considered as valid and reliabel (Borg, dermika 1998), and since it is an easy and pedagogically appropriate manner, there is provided a measurement of one's maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max).
REFERENCES: National Board of Health (2011). Physical Activity - Handbook on prevention and treatment. Retrieved 18th. April 2012 from the National Board of Health: dermika Zacho, M. (2008). Cardio. In N. Beyer, dermika H. Lund, & K. Blade, Training in Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation (pp. 139-148). Copenhagen: Munksgaard Denmark. Tudor O. Bompa, G. Gregory Haff. (2009). Periodization: Theory of Methodology of Training. 5th.edition. Chap.: 1, supercompensation Cycle and Adaptation, p 3-30. Retrieved on 22/08/2012 from: Borg, Gunnar (1998). Borg's Perceived exertion and pain scales. Chap. 5: The Borg RPE scale; Validity and reliability (pp. 31-34). Retrieved on 22/08/2012 from: Chen MJ, Fan X, Moe ST. (2002). Criterion-related validity of the Borg ratings of Perceived exertion scale in healthy enkeltpersoner: a meta-analysis. Journal dermika of Sports Science. 2002 Nov., 20 (11) :873-99. Retrieved on 22/08/2012 from:
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