Wednesday 22 February 2012

Online Marketing and Sales Complement Direct Marketing ...

It is essential that innovative technology businesses maintain control over the prominence of a business in all marketing venues including, but not limited to:

  • Online
  • Social Media and
  • Brick and Motor

Naturally the decision may well make sense to limit public visibility in one of these three venues or, for very early stage businesses, even all three. Nevertheless, whatever programs are architected and executed must have components that address all three marketplaces.

In fact, typical characteristics of online marketing and sales interaction complement matching characteristics of brick and motor interaction. We have spent lots of time talking up teleprospecting as an excellent tactical tool for driving lead generation with brick and mortar venues. The facts are that the task of achieving online visibility in very competitive search engine markets can take, literally, months to produce benefits and, most importantly, credible leads to business opportunities.

In contrast, teleprospecting is an ?instant on? tool activated simply by picking up the telephone, contacting likely prospects and engaging them in conversation. Of course, it is best not to broadly implement this direct marketing tool prior to verifying that required marketing communications collateral is ready for dissemination to the public either in hard copy form, or at least with carefully crafted references to business success stories, industry affiliations, certifications, etc to substantiate the position of the business as an authority in a market worth contacting and engaging in meaningful conversation.

We must note that the length of the sales cycle for leads produced through teleprospecting is substantially longer than is the case for online sales resulting from online marketing. Once online visibility has been achieved, meaning the right type of visibility that establishes a business in a targeted niche, sales cycles are dramatically shorter. Further, sales are often facilitated without significant demand on sales staff, who remain free to attend to direct marketing efforts.

With regard to social media, we think that social media makes sense as a method of establishing marketplace authority. Groups of industry affiliates and other participants who can be convinced to accept a business as a viable vendor for targeted needs can go a long way to provide the stamp of approval that emerging businesses often need.

We have substantial recent experience, gained over the last year, coordinating teleprospecting with online marketing and social media. We welcome opportunities to elaborate on our experience, not to mention to learn further about your objectives. Please call Ira Michael Blonder, IMB Enterprises, Inc at +1 631-673-2929 to further a discussion.

? IMB Enterprises, Inc. & Ira Michael Blonder, 2012 All Rights Reserved


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