Wednesday 31 October 2012

How To Write An Ebook To Market With

How To Write An Ebook To Market With

Click around on the Net, and you?ll see businesses giving away ebooks left, right and center.

You might see a hair salon with an ebook on matching your makeup to your hair color. Or a yoga studio with an ebook on ergonomic postures for the workplace.

It?s not that these businesses are passionate about sharing their messages with the world. Rather, the ebooks are a marketing utensil.

Why An Ebook?

A well-written ebook demonstrates that the company it?s from is run by experts in their field. They know all the nitty-gritty details, so customers can trust that they?re dealing with a reputable, knowledgeable business.

Generally, these ebooks are given away for free. This sparks appreciation from recipients, who may feel compelled to make a purchase in return (due to the rule of reciprocity).

Finally, the content of the ebook usually suggests ways readers can use the company?s products or services. If a soapmaking supplies vendor writes about how to tint soap red with sandalwood powder, it stands to reason they?ll include a link to their powdered sandalwood.

What Should I Write About?

Notice that none of the reasons are ?the companies happen to employ budding authors.? That?s because the point isn?t to write beautifully; it?s to share helpful information you?re an expert on.

So that is exactly what you?ll write about. If you?re a fitness trainer who?s worked with a lot of older clients with back problems, you could write about safe exercises for injured backs or sleeping tips for back relief. You could even include sketched diagrams.

If you?re a baker with an online shop that specializes in gluten-free pastries, write up your top 3 gluten-free recipes, complete with tips for storing, freezing and serving.

And so on. Determine your expertise, then ask yourself what questions people may have on the topic. Write out your answers in your ebook.

How Do I Create The Ebook?

An ebook can be written in any word processing program (such as Microsoft Word or Open Office) as long as you can export your finished work as a PDF. This preserves your file so recipients can?t edit it.

In any of these programs, you can add pictures throughout to illustrate your points, display charts or graphs or provide points of visual interest.

If you want to incorporate special effects, such as flipping pages or an embedded video, you can choose the right ebook software for your needs from this list.

And How Do I Publish It?

Once it?s a PDF, the easiest way to get your ebook onto the Internet is to host it on your site. Then, share the ebook by sharing the link to where it lives on your site.

If you?re using WordPress, add the ebook as a new piece of media. This works for files up to 10 MB.

If your ebook is larger than 10 MB, the easiest solution is to upload it to Dropbox and share the link provided.

Now, How Do I Market With It?

Once the ebook is finished, you can use it to drum up sales. In an upcoming post, we?ll walk you through the steps you?ll want to take.

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