Saturday 29 September 2012

Sweet Dog Nurses Kitten Back to Heath | Babble Pets

iStock 000014520803XSmall 300x204 Sweet Dog Takes In an Abandoned Kitten and Nurses It Back to Heath

not the actual dog & cat in the story, but they're cute too

There are sometimes I am so over the sad stories I hear in the news ? both human news and pet news. It seems to be all we hear lately and well, that can start breaking our hearts the more we hear them.

Then, once in a while I come across a story that just warms my heart. It stands out from the rest of the sad news and can remind me that the world is a super sweet place.

A story came out a few days ago from?Minnesota and it involves two of the cutest creatures on the planet ? a dog and a tiny kitten.

A woman named Pat Weber owns a barn in?Jordan, about 40 miles southwest of Minneapolis and was enjoying the day with her grandson on September 24th, 2012. He was playing in the barn when he found a tiny kitten ? only about 2 inches long.

Weber says the tiny kitten was ?ice cold? but after feeling it move, she wrapped it up in a warm towel and brought it inside. That?s when the story gets adorable (promise, this isn?t a sad story about a forgotten kitten).

Weber has a 4-year old dog named?Mittens (aaw!) and when she heard the tiny kitten start to meow, she was interested. The tiny kitten nuzzled into Mittens, who started to lick her, and the kitten started?suckling, nursing on Mittens who hasn?t had her own litter for 2 years.

It took about 3 days for Mittens to start to produce milk according to Pat and ever since, Mittens has been a loving adopted mother to the tiny grey kitten who has been named Bootsie.

To see the actual cat and dog in the story, head to abc local and check out the cute!

Photo credit: iStockPhoto


Read more from?Devan?on?Accustomed Chaos?&?Unspoken Grief

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 Sweet Dog Takes In an Abandoned Kitten and Nurses It Back to Heath


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